1 January 2014

Project 50 Pan

What is a Project 50 Pan?

It's a commitment by me to both save money & rescue my dresser & bathroom from having enough beauty, hair, skin, makeup products to almost kickstart my own beauty franchise.  

During the Project 50 Pan I will not be buying (for my own use) any of the following:-
  • hair care products ie shampoo, conditioner, styling
  • makeup products
  • skincare products
  • fragrance products
  • body care products ie soaps, shower gels, scrubs, self-tanning, sunblock
  • nail care products ie polish, tools, treatments
  • hand care products ie handcreams, scrubs, soaps
I'm committing to finish 50 items from my current product stash (either I'm using already or have bought already) before I purchase any more beauty related items.

What are the rules?

During the duration of the P50P, I will not purchase any new hair, skincare, fragrance, body products, makeup, hand or nail products - unless I'm specifically replacing an item I do not have more of already i.e. if I run out of sunblock or nail polish remover etc
Items must be full size items, items I use personally i.e. not family members, and emptied or finished to be counted in the total.

What are the exceptions?

  1. I have 3 x monthly Beauty Box subscriptions that are paid annually - these will continue to arrive during the P50P.
  2. I am invited regularly to trial beauty products & review them.  As I'm not purchasing these personally, I will happily accept suitable trial offers & products.
  3. I'm pretty lucky &  love entering competitions so may win some beauty prizes during the P50P.  Again, I'm not buying these items.
  4. I have a fair amount of samples to use up - I will include (5) deluxe samples I finish using as (1) full size item
Other info

I'll review each item as I finish & post my progress every time I use up 5 items.  It'll give you a secret peek into my favourite items & why I love them, or in some cases, why I wouldn't repurchase.  

I hope you enjoy following me on this challenge & I hope to see my bank a/c growing & my stash reducing.  No idea how long it will take, I expect a few months easily.

Have any of you done this challenge before, and if so, how was it?  Or are you inspired to join me and do one of these too?


  1. I did it last year and I still recall the difficulty! There are a few things on my want list still so I won't be doing one for a while for fear of breaking the rules (which I did the first time!). Best of luck to you Linda, I love these types of posts so I'll be watching your progress for sure.

    1. Well done Hailey for getting through one, I can understand needing to break the rules through it. Do you have your own blog too?

  2. OMG! The agony! I wish you the best of luck.

  3. I have a habit of using the same products until they are finished - but I kept buying more! Good luck!! ^_^


  4. Same Lily, I need to work through the 'bought for next' pile before I buy any more. :)

  5. Great post Linda! Looking forward to reading posts on your progress :)


    1. Thanks Fatima, I've a few items I'm close to finishing so I think my first P50P post will be up next week :)

  6. I've never heard of a Project XX Pan before. It's probably something I should try as my drawers are bursting with full and half-used products! Do you need to decide on the products you're going to use up beforehand, or do you just count them as you go?

  7. It's a great idea, I'll be posting up a new blog soon with my items 6 to 10 that I've recently finished. I didn't decide ahead of the Project 50 Pan what I'd finish, but have plenty of items I'll be using up. You should give it a go :)

  8. I envy your determination Linda, I so need to do this but don't think I can... what a great idea, I am inspired. :)
