30 December 2013

Beautiful beginnings

I've always been a fan of all things beauty.  I blame my Mum - from an early age she drummed into me the necessity to 'look after your skin now, you'll be glad you did when you're older'.  Plus she had an appreciation for fine fragrances & makeup that often found me playing with & trialing her favourites.

Now I'm older, I am very glad I looked after my skin from a young age.  The calendar may say I'm in my mid-life prime but I look & feel a good decade younger.   Part due to being an early beginner on skin care & part because I'm a bonafide beauty addict.

Yep, where's a 12 Step Program when you need one?   I guess if I do have an addiction, at least it's to something that benefits me rather than does harm!

So what is this blog going to be about?  Well I'm always buying, or trialing, or reviewing, or adding to a pretty decent size collection of beauty products.  I love mixing up brands, trying new products, or getting onto the latest thing nice & early.  Hope you like it & return.


  1. Congrats on starting a blog Linda!
    I'm really looking forward to reading your posts xx

    1. Thanks Gemma, hope I keep it entertaining :)
